Rabu, 26 November 2008

Vitamin U Complex (Fare-You )

Vitamin U Complex 50 tabs, $8.95

Vitamin U Complex is most effective remedy for ulcer and duodenal ulcers and various kinds of gastric pains.

It is recommended for treatment of various types of gastropathies, peptic ulcers: as gastric duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, hyperacidity, achylia gastrica, regurgitatica and lesions in the coats of the stomach.


Vitamin U is a proven anti-inflammatory that promotes healing in the gastrointestinal tract. It is reputed to be very effective with ulcers, hiatal hernia, acid-reflux, excess production of hydrochloric acid, heartburn and sour stomach.

The preparation of Fare-you (Vitamin U Complex) is a new special remedy. It is made from the highest quality of vitamin U and other curing ingredients.

Fare-You (Vitamin U) is specifically formulated for gastropathies. It promote the ulcerated part of gastrointestinal tissue to accelerate healing.

Patients affected by gastrointestinal tract problems, will experience fast relieve, and the disease will be eradicated soon.

1 - 2 tablets each time, thrice a day.

For best results you should take Vitamin U for 3-4 weeks. The minimum recommended order is 3 bottles.

Active Ingredients:
Vitamin U 23.77%
Aluminium Hydroxide 54.88%
Magnesium Trisilicate 21.35%

Guangzhou Medicines and Health Products Corporation, China.

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