Rabu, 26 November 2008

Wild Oregano Oil

Oil of Wild Oregano

Oil of Wild Oregano. Super Strength. 100% Certified Organic.
25ml, $29.95

Oregano Oil Properties
Questions and Answers

The MIRACLE HERB which kept people in the Mediterranean healthy over the centuries is now available in its most effective and easy to use form of essential oil.
The Oil of Oregano is a potent health aid. Its primary active ingredient, Carvacrol, "when laboratory tested, proved to be one of the
strongest antiseptics known to man".
(International Journal of Food Microbiology; research by: Akgul and Kivanc)
Why should I pay a few extra dollars for WILD Oregano?

Even a tiny amount of Carvacrol quickly and naturally eliminates a wide variety of pathogens such as bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites and viruses.

The advantage of using Wild Oregano Oil is that these pathogens cannot build an immunity to it, as is the case with pharmaceutical drugs.
Also, by choosing Oregano potential side effects of drugs as well as the danger of developing virulent mutations are avoided.

Internal applications:
* Colds * Flu * Sore Throat * Cough * Sinusitis * Bronchitis * Asthma * Bladder, Kidney and other Infections * Candidiasis * Peptic Ulcer * Fatigue * Headaches * Allergies * Bad Breath * Indigestion * Parasites incl. Cryptosporidium and Giardia * and more.

Normal dosage: 2-3 drops, two or three times a day, under the tongue (mix well with saliva before swallowing), in juice, water or tsp. of honey.

External applications:
* Gum Disorders * Toothache * Cold Sores * Puncture Wounds * Acne * Dandruff/Seborrhea * Warts * Athlete’s Foot * Boils * Nail Fungus * Bed Sores * Head Lice * Scabies * Ringworm * Rosacea * Eczema * Psoriasis * Sore Joints * Back Pain * Arthritis * and more.

Apply small amount of Oil to affected area as required. Test less sensitive skin surface, e.g. your arm or thigh, first.

Add one or two drops to soups, salads, sauces, etc. for a zesty and delicious culinary experience.
Hedd Wyn Essentials’ Oregano Oil has been derived exclusively from WILD Oregano (Origanum Vulgarespecies).
Hand picked on the mountains, hills and valleys in the Mediterranean, the Oregano leaves and flowers are steam distilled at low temperature and low pressure in stainless steel crucibles. Each batch of essential oil is analyzed using Mass Spectography and Gas Chromatography.
This rigorous testing assures that only the correct species of edible Oregano with high Carvacrol content is used .
Hedd Wyn Essentials guarantee that the amount of Carvacrol in the Oregano essential oil selected for this product is 83.43%-86.96%.

Only Certified Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is used as a base in order to provide you with the finest edible product, free from additives of any kind. As a result you get an effective, pure and natural “medicine chest” in a convenient dropper bottle.

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